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Troubleshooting Your Gaming PC

Troubleshooting Your Gaming PC
May 26, 2023

We've all been there, and we'll all be there again... error messages, your Gaming PC is slowing down, a dreaded BSOD... it happens, it's a part of PC gaming. But, there's always a fix -- well, nearly always -- it might take some tinkering, but most problems can be solved. Funnily enough, rebooting your PC fixes a fair amount of issues... no joke, you should try it!

Understanding Error Messages

Ugh, these can be the worst... a random error message. Even I had one myself moments ago loading the Epic Games Launcher so that I could play some Dead Island 2, which is the inspiration for this article. We all get error messages and you'd be surprised... a quick Google search or a flick through Reddit can solve them. The more you do this research yourself, the more you'll understand what you're up against when it happens again. 

Game Crashes

Sometimes your game will just crash, and sometimes there's no reason why. A few solutions can include ensuring you've got the latest graphics card drivers, Windows is up to date, and maybe try clostrying down software running in the background.

Low Frame Rates

If you're not getting the performance you should be out of your PC, there are a few things you can do to fix that. Before you've jumped into your game, you'll want to ensure that your Gaming PC meets the system requirements of the game. Second, make sure that you've got the latest graphics card drivers installed for your NVIDIA GeForce or AMD Radeon graphics card.

The biggest thing you can do for slow FPS is adjust your in-game detail settings... if you've got slow performance but you've got the Ultra preset on, try going down to Medium to see if you get a boost in performance. If you do (see an FPS increase) then adjust the settings until you hit the sweet spot of visual clarity + performance. 

Note: your graphics card might not have enough VRAM (video RAM) to run High or Ultra graphics details, especially if you've got an older GPU with 4GB of VRAM, and even some newer GPUs shipping with 8GB can't handle newer 2023 games with High or Ultra graphics details. Take this into consideration when using higher levels of detail (or things like anti-aliasing, etc).

Resolving Network Issues

Are you using WiFi or wired Ethernet? If you're using WiFi and having connectivity issues, firstly you'll need to make sure if you're connected to the 2.4GHz or 5GHz bands on your router. Normally it will be called RouterName2.4GHz and RouterName5GHz or something along those lines, so if you're having issues with the 2.4GHz network for example, try switching to the 5GHz one and see if the issues are resolved. 

If they aren't, another tip is to turn on the mobile hotspot on your smartphone... there are times when I've tried this and it has resolved issues. Enable the mobile hotspot on your smartphone, and then join the WiFi network on your phone from your Gaming PC. If that works and your home WiFi doesn't, you know there's a broader issue with your home WiFi network (and not your PC).

Wired Ethernet is another game altogether, but if you're experiencing issues using wired Ethernet then you could easily take the cable in and out to see if the issues are resolved, if not, try a spare cable if you've got one (or borrow one from another PC or console in the house if there's one available). 


We went over this in our Maintaining Your Gaming PC article, but just a quick run-through again: overheating can be a serious issue for your PC. Make sure it has good ventilation -- not just stuffed down the side of your desk or in the cupboard -- and that you maintain the cleanliness of your PC with compressed air, or cleaning it out every few months or so. This will ensure a build-up of dust, hair, and other yucky things aren't messing with your precious Gaming PC.

Upgrading Hardware

Sometimes you just need to upgrade. Your Gaming PC might only have 8GB of RAM, whereas you really need to have 16GB of RAM these days to ensure smooth operation between Windows, apps, browser tabs, and then your games all chewing up precious RAM resources. If you've only got 8GB of RAM and don't have the money to upgrade your entire PC right now, highly consider purchasing more RAM (another 8GB would be suffice).

Inside of your new Gaming PC, don't buy anything less than 16GB and preferably, go for 32GB of RAM. Our Ready to Ship Gaming PCs come with 16GB of RAM, with upgrade options to 32GB and 64GB of RAM if needed.

There you have it, a bunch of tips on troubleshooting your Gaming PC.

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