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Cities Skylines 2 to Launch with Performance Issues: A Gamble in the Gaming PC World

Cities Skylines 2 to Launch with Performance Issues: A Gamble in the Gaming PC World
Oct 18, 2023

Cities Skylines 2 to Launch with Performance Issues: A Gamble in the Gaming PC World

In an unconventional move, the highly anticipated sequel to the city-building game, Cities Skylines, is set to launch with known performance issues rather than facing another delay. This decision has sparked considerable debate among gamers, especially in the gaming PC community, where performance is paramount.

The Launch Over Delay Decision

Cities Skylines 2 has been on the radar for many gaming aficionados for a while now. Its predecessor, Cities Skylines, set a gold standard in the city simulation genre, creating high expectations for the sequel. With reports confirming the game's launch with performance glitches, many wonder if releasing it in its current state, instead of delaying it for further optimization, is a wise move.

Gaming PC Community's Concerns

For gaming PC users, who often invest significantly in their setups to enjoy games at their highest quality, performance issues can be a major deterrent. These glitches might mean that even with powerful graphics cards, ample memory, and top-notch processors, players could still face stuttering graphics, slower load times, and potential crashes.

The Developer's Perspective

While the decision to launch a game with known issues might seem counterintuitive, the developers have provided some rationale. They believe that the core gameplay experience remains strong and that the issues, while present, won't detract significantly from the overall experience. Moreover, they've committed to post-launch updates to address these concerns and enhance performance progressively.

The Gamers' Dilemma

The gaming community now faces a quandary: to purchase Cities Skylines 2 at launch and navigate the performance challenges or wait for the eventual patches that promise a smoother experience. The decision is especially tricky for those who've been eagerly awaiting the game's release, as they must weigh their excitement against potential gameplay frustrations.


Releasing a game with known performance issues is a bold move, one that underscores the challenges developers face in balancing user expectations, development timelines, and product quality. As Cities Skylines 2 debuts, all eyes will be on the game's reception, especially among the discerning gaming PC community. This launch might set a precedent, for better or worse, for future game releases.

Stay tuned for in-depth reviews and performance analyses post the launch of Cities Skylines 2.